WhatsApp Messenger is the most widely used instant messaging application in the world. It has nearly 3 billion active users, but that does not mean it is perfect. That's why MODs like WhatsApp Plus APK or FM WhatsApp APK (also known as Fouad WhatsApp, FMWhatsApp, or WhatsApp FM) exist. These MODs were developed using the official app source code and aim to extend its functions. Thankfully, you can easily download FM WhatsApp Android for free using websites like Malavida.
The FM WhatsApp Android app is a modified version or MOD of the WhatsApp messaging application. In other words, it is an application with additional functions, privacy improvements, and better customization flexibility, among other advantages.
Like most MODs, this is a third-party-developed app that doesn't get support from WhatsApp. In other words, it is an unofficial modification of the original app and its use violates the terms of use of the Meta application, which implies certain disadvantages or risks.